Saturday, May 29, 2010

Le Chateau

This is the backside of the chateau, otherwise known as the "castle" around here. The side facing the rest of the valley and village remains its original stucco grey on stone colors. I am expecting the first shipment of the fanily on the 31st of May. It is lonely in that big place. There is a big field of wildflowers and a petit lac (pond) between the chateau and the building where I sleep. I must admit the night noises get me a bit, it sounds like a jungle and the old houses make their own noises. I think it must have been a firehouse or something. There are enormous doors at the front and back. There are multiple springs around the property and Charlie likes drinking right from the source. I hope it is not bad for him. It is good enough for the goats and cows that roam around all day in the sun and grasses. The neighbor has horse and geese and cats and stuff like that. Charlie is the best company with his smiling face and happy  
robot walk. He loves all the smells and sounds and keeps me warm at night. I've read a lot of books in between cleaning everything. There are beds to make and a layer of dust on every surface. I hope the family is happy with the condition of the place when they arrive. We'll see...

That's my window on the top left there.

à bien tot.

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